First Presbyterian Church
Current Sermons
​​Feb. 16
“My Grace Is Sufficient For You”
II Corinthians 12 :6-10
Feb. 23
“Lip Service”
Luke 6:27-38
March 2
"Mountaintop Mystery”
Luke 9:28-36
March 9 - First Sunday in Lent
Luke 4:1-13

College Ministry
Friends in Faith, our college ministry, is currently searching for a college intern to help with college ministry. For more information, please call the church office: (320) 251-8277

G.I.F.T. Sunday Generations In Faith Together) (Feb 16)
Join us today after service in the youth area and unleash your creativity as we design a custom decorative sign for your home, office, or as a gift! Stencils and supplies are provided.
​​February Community Meal
Soup is on the menu for Wednesday, Feb 19. Serving starts at 5:00 pm. A freewill offering will be taken.​

Children, Youth & Family
Sunday school is offered for all children and a nursery is provided for those three and under. It is offered September through May. Join us each week at 9:00 am as we journey in faith together.
Music Ministry
Wish to join us in music ministry? Want to participate in a choir, ensemble or other special music? Call Jullian at 320-251-8277 to inquire.