First Presbyterian Church
Current Sermons
Jan. 19
“Rejoicing and Mourning”
Series: Practical Theology
Romans 12:9-17
Jan. 26
“Encourage One Another”
Series: Practical Theology
1 Thessalonians 5:1-11
College Ministry
Friends in Faith, our college ministry, is currently searching for a college intern to help with college ministry. For more information, please call the church office: (320) 251-8277
​January 19, GIFT Sunday
(Generations In Faith Together)
Help us after the 10 am service to make hygiene bags for Local schools.
January 26, Annual Congregational meeting
The meeting will be held in Fellowship Hall after worship.
Children, Youth & Family
Sunday school is offered for all children and a nursery is provided for those three and under. It is offered September through May. Join us each week at 9:00 am as we journey in faith together.
Music Ministry
Wish to join us in music ministry? Want to participate in a choir, ensemble or other special music? Call Jullian at 320-251-8277 to inquire.
Ecumenical Crusade Choir
Thank you to everyone who participated or helped in any way during this weekend's Crusade Choir performances. A special thanks to Jullian Euteneuer for her extraordinary work. If you were unable to attend any of the concerts, watch yesterday's concert here.